Thursday, April 5, 2012

April Fool's Day

I was downstairs the other day, sitting on the couch, reading a book, minding my own business. 

All of a sudden my sister walks up to me, stares at me for a few awkward seconds and then says:

Sarah: Guess what?

Me: ?

Sarah: Josh Hutcherson won't be playing Peeta in the next Hunger Game movies. He didn't sign the contracts. 

Me: .....

Sarah: *still continues to stare at me awkwardly*

Me: ......

Sarah: Did you hear what I said?

Me: ......

 Sarah: Erica?


Of course, it was only after the fact that I had begun to write a petition to keep Josh Hutcherson in the Hunger Games, wished all manner of terrible things upon the casting crew, and cried just enough to create a tributary to the Nile River that Sarah then said:

April Fool's!

Someone is not going to sleep easy tonight....

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